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The Competition Appeal Tribunal has issued its Judgment (Summary Judgement) dismissing ValueLicensing's strike out application for parts of Microsoft's amended defense.
Paragraph 1 of the Fourth CMC Order shall be varied to allow the defendants an additional seven days to reply to the 14th December summary judgment application, plus any other applications.
A fourth case management conference has been listed to commence at 10:30am on 20 November 2024, with a time estimate of three days. The CAT has now issued its directions ahead of the fourth CMC.
A fourth case management conference, including the summary judgment application, has been listed to commence at 10:30am on 20 November 2024.
Third CMC Order shall be varied such that the Defendants shall, by 4:00pm on Friday 21 June 2024, provide to the Claimant disclosure by way of List of Documents in the relevant practice form, together with a disclosure statement verified by a statement of truth, and simultaneously electronic inspection of any documents falling within the categories set out in Annex A to the Third CMC Order;