Richard Speed at The Register adds: “Microsoft has been the subject of several lawsuits and complaints. ValueLicensing, for example, took exception to an alleged choking off of pre-owned perpetual licenses thanks to contractual restrictions. The UK's Competition watchdog was also asked to take a close look at the company's practices following an Ofcom review that found Microsoft and AWS accounting for between 70 and 80 percent of the UK cloud infrastructure services market. The company was also the subject of a complaint from lobby group CISPE – a consortium of cloud infrastructure providers in Europe with a membership that includes AWS – over alleged discounting of its software when bundled with Azure.”
Group alleges anticompetitive behavior
Microsoft is facing a complaint over alleged anticompetitive practices in the Spanish cloud market.
The complaint was filed by the Spanish Startup Association, a group representing more than 700 startups in the country. It concerns anticompetitive behavior that the organization alleges it has detected in recent years.